MANTELLASSI : Wine cellar

The Mantellassi Wine Cellar is located in a strategic position, a few km away from Magliano in Tuscany and close to each of its vineyards. During the harvesting period, this allows having grapes in the wine cellar in a very short time and therefore preserving all its characteristics. Breathtaking views of the Monte Argentario and the Giglio Island make it mandatory to visit the Wine Cellar. At the Point of Sale it is possible to make an appointment to taste all of our products.

The Wine Cellar has developed at different points in time, starting in the late '60s with the construction of the Old Cellar with its concrete vats, and then expanding in the '80s, and, with further expansion, in 2003 and 2015. But the Farm does not stop there and in 2017 it will be updated with another site. This shows that the Mantellassi Farm continues to look to the future with confidence and enthusiasm.